Friday, April 8, 2016

Day 7 - Sorry We Are Closed

Our final day was one that was almost humorous.   Everywhere we went seemed to be closed or come back in two hours.   Our goal was the catacombs in Rabat, but we took a short detour to the craft village. 

Yep, it is a tourist trap, but was neat because it is in old RAF buildings left over from WWII.   We watched demos of glass blowing and jewelry creation. 


Right down the road from the craft village was the Air Museum.  Tom wanted to see a Spitfire and Janet was smiling with a new bracelet so off we went.  
Honestly, the museum was a little disappointing, but the heavens had opened up and it was a great place to wait out the storm.
Off Ramp:   If you have not seen the 1953 movie “The Malta Story” it is time to pop some popcorn, put your arms around your sweetie and download on Amazon Prime.   Black and White, a great war story, and has mushy love scenes that will leave you crying.  The movie, from what we understand accurately depicts the conditions of Malta and the featured character is real.  

When the rain stopped, we headed to Rabat, but as we entered the city the heavens opened again and we missed our turn.   Oh well, we headed to the Cliffs for lunch.  It was our first and last lunch on the island and was amazing.  
Janet went for the Borage Ravioli again.   There is something about eating wild flowers and herbs 
Tom went for his favorite and a Malta specialty - Panned Fried Rabbit!  Yum Yum 
We had the waiter call a winery we wanted to see, but it was closed.  Departing, we headed through the farms and found the Malta government sponsored enologic research center.   No wine to taste, but great conversation. 
A better than average road, but not room for error
The two gentleman were curious about Virginia wines, and got us pointed to a winery that was open… until we showed up and the gates were locked.

We headed back to our side of the island to visit a castle.  Guess what – It was closed.

All in all not a good day, but it was a great day together.  Covered a whole lot of ground and basically saw nothing, but passed everything.  We turned in the car and the GPS, which were both operational with no scratches.  We had done it - conquered the roads of Malta!
We have to get up at 0430 for our flight to Rome.  Bedtime!


  1. Rough day...but lovely scenery and good looking food! (You know I'm all about the food... ;) )

    1. The rabbit was to die for! The food in Malta was a pleasant surprise. We had no idea it would be so good!

  2. The blown glass is beautiful. Hope you bought a piece. The pasta looks and sounds amazing! Yum!! Richard would have gone for Thumper, as well. It looks good!
